Kerala Blasters FC DLS Kit 2024 25 Download

Hello everyone! Are you looking for your favorite team kerala blasters fc dls kit 2024 then here we are to help you out. Many of our followers are asked us like how do i import kits into dls? and how do i edit my dls logo? So if’d like this team’s dream league soccer kits url then make sure to read the full article and watch our youtube video as well. Now without any further ado let’s get started.

There are different types of kerala blasters fc kit for dream league soccer game in 2024 version. So what we’re going to be discussing from this article means… can know the procedure to import your favorite team 512×512 kits & logo’s. Here the dls kits we’re providing are home kit, away kit, third kit, gk home kit, gk away kit and gk kit third of course we’ve also provided their beautiful 512×512 logo. Now let’s see their url’s first and then we will give you a video demonstration as well.

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Dream League Soccer Kit URL (Kerala Blasters)

There are different types of dream league soccer kerala blasters kit of course every team in dls 24 has their unique jersey. So in from this we’re looking at kerala blasters fc jersey so to import/download any kind of dls kits you must have their unique code or url. Here we’re providing it, so check it and copy paste in your device.

Kits NameCopy URL
Kerala Blasters FC Home Kit
Kerala Blasters FC Away Kit
Kerala Blasters FC Third KitComing Soon
Kerala Blasters FC Goalkeeper Home Kit
Kerala Blasters FC Goalkeeper Away Kit
Kerala Blasters FC Goalkeeper Third KitComing Soon
Kerala Blasters FC Logo

The above url’s are tested and well played with the team players and it looks realistic. If you also want to experience the same feeling while playing then make sure to select your favorite dls kerala blasters kit and logo url and copy it and finally paste it in a required field. But in case you don’t know the procedure to import then use our below mentioned tutorials as well.

How Do I Edit or Import Kits Into DLS24?

  • First of all you have to “select and copy the url” (You can see all the url’s below which given above the image)
  • Now you need to launch “DLS 2024 Game” in your device
  • Now from dls menu bar you need to chose “My Club” option
  • Then tap on “Customise Team” option
  • In this step you can chose either “Edit Kit” or “Edit Logo” option as per your wish
  • After that you can hit on “Download” option
  • Here you must “Paste The URL” which you copied from our website as per our first step.
  • Finally, you have to hit on “Confirm” option which locates below of the corner

The above url’s that we’ve mentioned earlier in the table are practically tested and mentioned in our website. For more references you can check out our youtube video as well how we’ve succefully imported the url’s and how their jerseys looking realistically. You can also find out other dream league soccer custom kits url from our blog. Don’t miss to watch the full video.

DLS Kerala Blasters Kit 2024/2025 Jerseys

Now you can grab your favorite kerala blasters kit dls 24 from our website and of course from our other social media platforms as well such as facebook, pinterest, linkedin. So before you visit any other websites we recommend you to check out the colors and designs of your favorite team kits and logo’s and of course watch our full video frm our youtube channel as well. So first and foremost let’s get started our images that we’ve customised for our followers.

Kerala Blasters FC Kits For Dream League Soccer 24/25

Kerala Blasters FC Logo DLS 2024 URL


kerala blasters dls logo
This is the beautiful kerala blasters dls logo 2024 game. If you’d like to download this KB fc logo png 512×512 from kitsnlogo website then make sure to copy the above url and then paste it in your device. If you’d like to have any of your favorite kerala blasters dls kit 2024 logo you must follow the above provided step by step guidance or you can even follow our youtube channel as well.

Kerala Blasters DLS Kit Home 24/25


I know you might be interested to know who is the sponsor of the kerala blasters 2024 here i’ll say byjus. This kit is looking great with yellow color and blue shots. So if you’re interested in downloading this kerala blasters fc home kit for your favorite dls24 game.

Kerala Blasters Away Kit


This is one of the beautiful kerala blasters fc away kits. If you’re searching for this beautiful dls kit url then we’ve already provided it above this 512×512 jersey or you can check out the above table as well. The color of this kit is black and red combination. The sponsor of this kit is byjus as well. You’ll definitely love this kit guys. Don’t forget to import this one.

Kerala Blasters Third Kit


Are you searching for the kerala blasters dls kit 2024 third kit url link. So we are glad to say that the kerala blasters dls kit 2024 third kit url release date has been officially announced and it is available to grab it now. So we no need to wait for it. So to download this kit you need the url as well. So check out the above url and copy it. This kit looks awesome.

Kerala Blasters DLS Home Goalkeeper Kit


Do you know who is the goalkeeper of kerala blasters in 2024? Nora Fernandes is the one. Apart from that they’ve released their latest home kit 2024 for goalkeeper. So check out the above url and then paste it in your device as well. That’s all you’re all done with an importing system and you can start playing the game.

Kerala Blasters DLS Away Goalkeeper Kit


Do you know the answer for who is the coach of kerala blasters 2024 2025? yes Mikael Stahre is the answer. Let’s check out its goalkeeper away kit which is available in the size of 512×512. You can grab this kit by using the above url and just paste it in your DLS 24 game. If you have any doubts regarding this kit make sure to let us know through our social media platforms or through the below comment section.

DLS Kerala Blasters Kit 2024-25 Goalkeeper Third


Here is the latest kit url for dream league soccer goalkeeper third. If you’re looking for one of this beautiful dream league soccer kits kerala blasters then make sure to copy the above url and then paste it in your devices and happily you can play the game with this pink color kit. In any case here we would like to ask you about who is the new player in kerala blasters 2024? if you know please let us know in the comment section.


That being said guys! I hope you like this kerala blasters dls kit 2024 url tutorial if you still have any questions, doubts, suggestions please let us know in the below comment section. I hope you’ve successfully downloaded your favorite 512×512 kitsnlogo from our website. So don’t hesitate to use the url and play the game as well.

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